A Well Versed Christmas...
November 14th, 2022
Each year, we try and offer you a unique gift that represents tremendous historical and Biblical significance, while also being both beautiful and functional. These wonderful Christmas gift ideas prov...  Read More
Why You Should Vote Democrat... (Keep Reading!)
November 6th, 2022
We are not partisan. I have confronted – face to face – numerous Republicans running for office who have stood for wrong values. I have worked hard to defeat some Republicans. Why? Because they defied...  Read More
How Prepared Should You Be? This Will Shock You.
November 2nd, 2022
How prepared should you be for a man-made or natural disaster? Frankly, I am not sure. But I suspect the correct answer is "more prepared than you currently are". What are the options? What should one...  Read More
What YOU Can Do To Ensure An Honest and Transparent Election.
October 31st, 2022
One of the most interesting interviews regarding what the average citizen can do regarding the election was the interview I did with Jeff Zink of Arizona. Let me cut to the chase: Towards the end of t...  Read More
National Security
October 26th, 2022
We have an occupant in the White House who has no sense of national security. He cavorts with our most worst and most dangerous enemies – China and Iran, for starters – while snubbing our friends – Is...  Read More
A Bold Houston Pastor Takes on California Governor Gavin Newsom - BIG TIME
October 25th, 2022
......  Read More
Israel's Legal Land Rights and Borders
October 23rd, 2022
I want you to understand how to defend Israel from its constant attackers. Even some “evangelicals” like to advocate arrogant “Replacement Theology” (the church replaced the Jews and Israel), a subtl...  Read More
Deciphering What Happened In the 2020 Elections
October 20th, 2022
Like you, I have tried to answer the question, “Why are there so many question marks about the November 2020 election? What happened? Was it truthful and honest, or was it fraudulent? Did the fraud ma...  Read More
The Evils of California Prop. 1
October 19th, 2022
Let me cut to the chase: California Prop. 1 is evil. It has a “Hitler-ian” tone to it. It is eerie. The Nazis would be so proud of Gavin Newson and company. Is that hyperbole? No. Listen to Attorney E...  Read More
Immigration Issues - With Esther Valdes Clayton
October 18th, 2022
Can SOMEBODY make sense of the immigration situation? The answer is yes. Attorney Esther Valdes Clayton is the clearest thinker on the topic. She is an immigration attorney. Thus, you might think that...  Read More
Biden Honoring Joy Behar... And My Time On Behar's Show.
October 16th, 2022
BIDEN HONORS BEHARWell, the occupant of the White House felt that he should take time out of his workday to honor Joy Behar on her 80th birthday. Why? Is she that significant to America? Watch it here...  Read More
Netherlands Farmer-Preacher Speaks On the Dutch Farm Protests
October 10th, 2022
You may have heard of the Dutch Farmer’s Protest. It is not merely about nitrogen. When you hear what the government of The Netherlands is doing to the farmers, you will see why the farmers are rightf...  Read More