Parents Standing Up to Loudoun County School Board
October 9th, 2022
It is no hyperbole to say that “they” want to destroy your children. The radical left wants to take away parental authority, teach children that socialism is good and America is bad, that all white pe...  Read More
What Will Ensure Honesty In The Upcoming Elections?
October 7th, 2022
53% of Democrats think Hillary won in 2016. The majority of Republicans think Donald Trump won in 2020. Summary: The majority of both Democrats and Republicans do not trust our election process. That ...  Read More
Dr. Garlow on "The Colbert Report" | Upcoming Brazilian Election | Florida Battleground
October 5th, 2022
STEPHEN COLBERT OF THE COLBERT REPORT – 10 YEARS AGOA decade-old picture of Stephen Colbert and me popped up on Facebook on Sunday. It brought back many memories. Actually good memories. Ten years ago...  Read More
Florida After Hurricane Ian; and 36 Days Until November 8th Elections
October 2nd, 2022
Our hearts break for Florida. I know you have heard a lot about Hurricane Ian, but get a deeper first-hand look through some key persons in Florida on the World Prayer Network Call 174 today, Sunday, ...  Read More
Sam Sorbo - Commenting On Education
September 23rd, 2022
Teachers are good. Teachers' Unions are not. The New Jersey Teachers' Union recently ran an ad condemning parents. (Read it here: https://www.foxnews.com/us/new-jersey-teachers-union-condemns-parents-...  Read More
Supreme Court Rulings - Religious Freedom and Reigning in Bureaucrats
September 19th, 2022
There are two recent Supreme Court rulings regarding religious liberty that should be so encouraging to you!  The decision to defend the high school football coach’s right to kneel and pray on the gri...  Read More
The Red Heifer - In Texas!
September 16th, 2022
I want to tell you about a red cow. Well, actually a red heifer. (A cow is a bovine, as in cattle, that has given birth. A heifer is a bovine that has not given birth.) Numbers 19:1-10 is the remarkab...  Read More
What We Learned From Trudeau
September 15th, 2022
Seven months ago, Justin Trudeau suddenly revoked the “emergency powers” that he had imposed against the Canadian truckers and Canadian citizens - why? Was it because he suddenly realized that being a...  Read More
Seattle Pacific University: Then, and Now
September 13th, 2022
In the summer between my high school senior graduation and my matriculation as a college freshman, my buddy Jim (he had the same first name as me) and his girlfriend, Gayle, asked me if I wanted to go...  Read More
Get Involved
September 12th, 2022
You’ve heard these tired, worn out lines, haven’t you? “Christians should not be involved in politics,” “Politics is dirty,” “Pastors should stay out of politics,” “There are two things you should nev...  Read More
Taxes and Their Impact
September 8th, 2022
The reason that Well Versed exists is to bring Biblical principles of governance to government leaders, and the people who elect them. Our "North Star" is not the Republican or Democratic parties, or ...  Read More
Well Versed Bible Studies
September 7th, 2022
Our nation is in trouble. Republicans or Democrats ultimately cannot help us. Only God can. And how does He do that? Through the truth of His Word. People know that something is wrong. Human instituti...  Read More