Ohio State Legislators Meet the Canadian Pastors They Are Defending.
September 2nd, 2022
Greetings My Friend,One of the most amazing World Prayer Network interviews we have ever done was with three Ohio State legislators and two Canadian pastors. The legislators had passed a resolution de...  Read More
Nancy Pelosi Banned From Catholic Communion
August 31st, 2022
Salvatore Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco, is a close friend of mine. It became national news when he made the decision to ban the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi from receiving communion in...  Read More
U.S. Military Investing In... Chinese Military Companies
August 30th, 2022
Every once in a while, I hear an idea so strange, so bizarre, that I wonder if it is actually true. What if the U.S. government and private businesses were encouraging U.S. servicemen and servicewomen...  Read More
Food Shortages In America
August 29th, 2022
Like you, I do not enjoy hearing the repeated reports of a coming food shortage. As one who grew up on a farm, I am bothered when I see today's excessive fertilizer costs driving farmers out of busine...  Read More
The Mar-A-Lago Raid
August 25th, 2022
Like you, I have tried to make sense of what happened on August 8th, when our once-respected FBI raided the home of a former (and possibly future) President. When this happened, we all knew this was n...  Read More
Dinesh D'Souza's "2,000 Mules" Movie
August 24th, 2022
The first time I heard the phrase “2000 mules,” I thought it sounded like the world’s largest wagon train. Well, of course, these “mules” were not actual mules. They were people - vote traffickers, to...  Read More
Are You Tired Of Hearing About Voter Fraud? You Will Like This Guy!
August 23rd, 2022
Do you feel like you've heard enough about voter fraud? Doesn't it get tiring, even though it's such an important issue? Many say it is happening. Others call it "the Big Lie." What we all want, or at...  Read More
Here Is What Don Feder Says Is THE GREATEST THREAT To Humanity
August 22nd, 2022
I first began studying the “demographic winter” when my wife and I attended the sobering Budapest Demographic Forum in Hungary. It was jolting. Don Feder Don Feder calls it "the greatest threat to hum...  Read More
Making A Difference: Thinking Biblically In the Voting Booth
August 18th, 2022
Our hope is not in a political party. Our hope is in the Lord Himself, and in His Word, which is the truth for all aspects of life, including the political-governmental. Will you partner with me to ge...  Read More
47 REPUBLICAN Congressmembers Voted AGAINST Traditional Marriage
August 17th, 2022
As you all know, 47 Republicans (including my own!) violated the GOP platform - and, not to mention, God - and voted to define marriage as that for which God destroyed Sodom. To twist the sword a litt...  Read More
Are Honest Elections A Spiritual, Biblical Issue?
August 5th, 2022
Type your new text here. Are phrases like “election fraud,” “election integrity” or “The Big Lie” merely sloganeering by political parties? Well, not to me, as a Jesus follower. I (like most all of yo...  Read More
We Have Been Asked, "Who Is Alma?"
July 28th, 2022
IN THIS ISSUE:Who is Alma Rivera? We are just returning home from 11 exciting, overwhelming, and packed days in Washington, DC. We have much to share about that.However, in this newsletter, I am going...  Read More