TODAY'S SERMON: The Debt Ceiling Vote Was NOT Good. It Was Bad. Scripturally Wrong.
June 11th, 2023
In his Farewell Address of 1796, George Washington wisely said, regarding national debt, “Avoid likewise the accumulation of debt, not only by shunning occasions of expense, but by vigorous exertion i...  Read More
Two things you likely never knew about Mike Pence
June 9th, 2023
Former Vice President Mike Pence has officially announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States. (What I writing here is neither an endorsement, nor is it a non-endorsement.) However, ...  Read More
Young Adults Rising Up To Proclaim Truth! Be Encouraged.
June 1st, 2023
Want some encouragement? Want to see young adults rising up and giving bold, godly leadership? Watch the movement started by a small group of young adults – reclaiming the month of June, not as a cele...  Read More
Why is the U.S. relinquishing our national sovereignty to a globalist dictatorship?
May 30th, 2023
Why is the U.S. relinquishing its national sovereignty to a globalist organization? This sounds like hyperbole. It is not. It is fact. Here the jolting news from Geneva, Switzerland last week from Con...  Read More
Memorial Day is not just hot dogs and hamburgers. Know the full story.
May 29th, 2023
Do you know what Memorial Day REALLY means? May I ask a favor? Will you take time to watch this presentation? This is a sermon I preached for Memorial Day. (David Barton is my close friend, and I want...  Read More
“Sheni Shel Shavu’ot“ Feast of Pentecost/Shavuot/Weeks
May 26th, 2023
We are Well Versed, which means we are to be well “versed” in the knowledge and understanding of the verses of the Bible. Join us each week as we return to God's Word and Ways as Jesus fulfilled, taug...  Read More
Beware of DEI
May 25th, 2023
All the letters are getting confusing. ESG, BLM, CRT, LGBTQ, WHO and now... DEI. What is it? Kevin McGary will shed much light on these dangerous letters that are showing up in churches, in Christian ...  Read More
What Is Transhumanism?
May 23rd, 2023
What on earth is transhumanism? Blessings,Dr. Jim GarlowCEO/FounderWell VersedRosemary Schindler GarlowCo-FounderWell Versed Consider giving a tax-deductible donation to Well Versed, a 501(c)3 no...  Read More
Observations about Israel after 99 Trips There.
May 21st, 2023
We arrived home from Israel on Friday.Rosemary has been to Israel 75 times, the same age as the modern State of Israel. In fact, she was there for Israel’s 75th birthday on May 14, 2023. I have been t...  Read More
A Woman Tells Of Getting Set Free From the Sin of Homosexuality
May 18th, 2023
Listen to this remarkable 17-minute speech by Kim Zember at the Washington, D.C. Well Versed Summit, where she describes the power of Christ setting her free from 12 years of lesbianism.Be encouraged ...  Read More
Churches Being Deceived By Leftists?
May 16th, 2023
How does it make you feel to know that radical anti-biblical leftists are and have infiltrated U.S. churches? Listen to this very brief but sobering speech by a young researcher, Hayden Ludwig, at the...  Read More
The Story of One Young Man Who Was Accused of an "Insurrection".
May 15th, 2023
You have heard lots about the so-called January 6 “insurrectionists.” Admittedly, a few were violent. And that is not to be tolerated. Truly violent persons should be punished – in accordance with the...  Read More