
WPN Call 366 | Judd Saul - Enemies Within The Church
Aug 4, 2024    Judd Saul
WPN Call 363 | Dr. (Rev.) Paul Sullins: Research Assistant from the Ruth Institute - Conversion Ther
Jul 24, 2024    Pauk Sullins
WPN Call 324 | Leray Heyne - Book, Chaplain Steve Lee - America's Pastor, Timothy Mercaldo, Pianist
Mar 10, 2024    Leray Heyne, Steve Lee, Timothy Mercaldo
WPN Call 323 | Jennifer Roback Morse - Ruth Institute, Counseling Freedom for All
Mar 6, 2024
WPN Call 279 | Mike Johnson, Jody Hice - Congress Update: Concurrent Resolution and Motion to Vacate
Oct 4, 2023    Speaker Mike Johnson, Jody Hice
WPN Call 265 | Nathaniel Pawlowski, Herbert Hildebrandt, Dr. Christopher Yuan
Aug 16, 2023    Nathaniel Pawlowski, Herbert Hildebrandt, Christopher Yuan
WPN Call 259 | Mattias Pertula - Religious Freedom
Jul 26, 2023    Mattias Pertula
WPN Call 257 | Charles LiMandri, California Attorney - Parents Deprived of Parental Rights
Jul 19, 2023    Charles LiMadri
WPN Call 251 | Bob Beasley - Canada’s Spiritual Roots; Alejandro Monteverde - "Sound of Freedom"
Jun 28, 2023    Bob Beasley, Alejandro Monteverde
WPN Call 246 | Scott Turner and Kevin McGary - 'Opportunity Zones' and Fatherlessness
Jun 11, 2023    Scott Turner, Kevin McGary
WPN Call 215 | Jim Garlow - Asbury Revival In-Person; Wayne Hilsden - Jerusalem
Feb 22, 2023    Dr. Jim Garlow, Wayne Hilsden
WPN Call 211 | Barry Meguiar - How to Share Your Faith in Jesus
Feb 8, 2023    Barry Meguiar
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