
WPN Call 378 | Trent England - Why do we Need an Electoral College?
Sep 15, 2024    Trent England
WPN Call 373 | Pastor Chris Williams - Abortion Issue Being Voted on in 10-11 States
Aug 28, 2024    Pastor Chris Williams
WPN Call 372 | John Guandolo - National Security Threats
Aug 25, 2024    John Guandolo
WPN Call 371 | Pastor Stephen Broden, KCarl Smith, Dr. Jeff Meyers - Topic: Ballots, Christians, Isr
Aug 21, 2024    Pastor Stephen Broden, KCarl Smith, Dr. Jeff Myers
WPN Call 370 | Eileen O'Connor - Title IX, Tina Peters - Legal Case, Megan Basham - Shepherds for Sa
Aug 18, 2024    Tina Peters, Megan Basham
WPN Call 369 | Jessica Tapia & Attorney: Public School - Standing up Against Transgender Ideologies
Aug 14, 2024    Jessica Tapia
WPN Call 364 | Update on Dr. Garlow and Rosemary's Trip to Armenia
Jul 28, 2024    Dr. Jim Garlow, Rosemary Schindler Garlow
WPN Call 362 | Dr. Jonathan Kulaga - Keeping a University Biblically Grounded
Jul 21, 2024    Dr. Jonathan Kulaga
WPN Call 361 | Brief Update from Milwaukee and the RNC
Jul 17, 2024    Dr. Jim Garlow, Rosemary Schindler Garlow
WPN Call 358 | Roll Call of the Nations at the Hague in the Netherlands
Jul 7, 2024    Dr. Jim Garlow, Cogresswoman Michele Bachmann, Robert Weinger
WPN Call 357 | David Barton - Why is the 4th of July Independence Day Important?
Jul 3, 2024    David Barton
WPN Call 355 | Paul Blair - Equipping Pastor's to Stand, John Paul Warren - K9 Soldiers, Trafficking
Jun 26, 2024    Pastor Paul Blair, John Paul Warren
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