Two women in Finland. One: righteous & godly. The other: a party animal. Godly one goes to trial.
August 24th, 2023
Isaiah 5:20 (“They call good evil, and call evil good.”) is happening in so many countries. Let me tell you about two women in Finland in top level governmental leadership. The two are in stark contra...  Read More
Lahaina: Pastors Lost Their Home/Church, Barely Got Out Alive. Look At Their Ministry There Now.
August 22nd, 2023
The reports from Lahaina, Maui are jolting. The human remains of well over 100 have been recovered. Over 1,000 (maybe as many as 1,300) are still missing, obviously having perished in the fires, in a ...  Read More
While you freely worship, these Canadians are being religiously persecuted.
August 21st, 2023
Two pastors are about to receive heavy sentences. We need your help.Two of the boldest, most courageous Canadian pastors I know are Artur Pawlowski and Henry Hildebrandt. And they have raised two equa...  Read More
Ted Baehr's very different and unique perception of Hollywood.
August 17th, 2023
I asked one of my good friends in Europe, “Why is it that so many of the people in Western Europe are for the wrong things – abortion, destroying God’s definition of marriage, transgenderism – and so ...  Read More
The interview with Pat Boone shocked me. See why. A fun listen.
August 15th, 2023
On Sunday night, I interviewed the legendary Pat Boone. I am not sure what I expected. I guess I may have expected an 89 year old – sort of slow – possibly tired – maybe looking at life only through t...  Read More
Today Is My Birthday, Or Perhaps the Anniversary, That Is, Of My Calling.
August 13th, 2023
AUGUST 13, 1956May I have permission to be autobiographical? Today is my birthday. I don’t mean that August 13 was the day I was born. It is not. Maybe I should call it an anniversary. August 13 was ...  Read More
You Cannot Buy Or Sell Without the "Mark of the Beast". Is This It?
August 10th, 2023
Have you heard of the Bank of International Settlements? Ever heard of a “unified ledger?” I suspect you have heard of the “central bank digital currency” (CBDC). There is no way to say this nicely: N...  Read More
"Running Into The Fire" - A Book To Help You Make A Difference. Now.
August 8th, 2023
God established government to restrain evil (Romans 13:4) and reward good (I Peter 2:14). But someone figuratively “switched the price tags” and those in power in Washington DC, and in many states, no...  Read More
Want To REALLY Understand the 2024 Election? You Can!
August 2nd, 2023
When you go workout at the gym tomorrow, you can be the best informed person regarding the intricacies of the 2024 election, if… if you will take the time to listen to Ashley Hayek. She is the Chief E...  Read More
You Can Help Stop Our Military From "Going Woke", From Being Transgendered.
August 1st, 2023
Carol Swain, a leading scholar, speaker and author, grew up in abject poverty, overcame it, and has become one of the great thinkers of our time. She became a professor at Princeton, then later at Van...  Read More
A Plea to Help a Pastor Who is Falsely Accused / Imprisoned / About to be Charged
July 31st, 2023
I need your help. On behalf of falsely accused Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski, I need you to write an email and make a call, now. It is urgent. Please listen to this story from Pastor Artur Pawlowski...  Read More
Mixed News from California; Great News from Iowa
July 19th, 2023
Why are we reporting on California state legislation. Because what happens in California generally doesn’t stay in California. It could come to your state. We have one great report, then one difficult...  Read More