A Look Back At Some Unique Moments From the RNC

Admittedly the Republican National Convention ended a week ago, and so much has occurred since then. But let’s take a look back for a moment, to ponder the good moments and the not so good moments.
While here at the RNC in Milwaukee, I started reminiscing. I began wondering how many of these once-every-four years events I have been a part of.
I have watched almost every minute of both the Republican and the Democratic National Conventions - once every four years - since August 13, 1956, some 68 years ago (when I was nine years of age). That is 18 convention seasons - 36 conventions. 
Then I began writing a list of the RNCs I had attended. Over the past 40 years, I have attended eight Republican National Conventions in-person: 1. 1984, Dallas; 2. 1988, New Orleans; 3. 1992, Houston; 4. 1996, San Diego, (I think I missed Philadelphia in 2000; Skipped NYC in 2004; I missed St Paul in 2008); 5. 2012, Tampa Bay; 6. 2016, Cleveland; 7. 2020, Covid, partially remote, but attended President Trump’s acceptance speech on the White House South Lawn; 8. 2024, Milwaukee. As I look back on four decades, I feel so blessed to have been able to attend these events.
And was just pondering this, while waiting for the convention to begin, I began wondering how many presidents I have seen in person. I made a list: 1. Eisenhower (I was 5!); 2. Nixon; (Saw Betty Ford, but not Gerald Ford so that does not count); 3. Carter; 4. Reagan; 5. Bush 41; 6. Clinton; 7. Bush 43; 8. Trump 45. Eight out of 46 presidents is not many, but again, I am thankful for those privileges.
Once again, while waiting for the RNC to begin, I wondered about inaugurations attended. This was a much shorter list: 1. Carter, 1976; 2. Bush 43, 2004; 3. Trump, 2016
As I pondered all this, I am so grateful to live in a Constitutional Republic.
There were so many wonderful things that occurred, but allow me to get the negative things out of the way.
The RNC got off to a rocky road in the Platform Committee the week prior. The section in the platform document on life in the womb was gutted. “Marriage” was not defined as one man-one woman. The section on Israel was reduced to one sentence. References to God was reduced from 15 to two in the platform. The first night closed with a Sikh prayer. Lara Trump unnecessarily referred to “gays” twice. Amber Rose (I had never heard of her) spoke, hardly a representative of morals.
However, there were many remarkable moments that I want to share.
Now, let's take a photo journalism walk through four days of the convention, and the event before it.
Saturday, July 13

God help us.
Sunday, July 14

Donald Trump's statement included "it was God alone..." That is so true.
Sunday, July 14

Awesome privilege of speaking at Tony Perkins FRC prayer event last nite - Milwaukee - before Republican National Convention begins.
Sunday, July 14

Tamara Scott - one of the most dedicated, smart and articulate political thinkers - a force for righteousness and godliness. She is the Republican Committee Woman representing Iowa.

Since 2016, she purchased and handed out 100s (1,000s?) of my book WELL VERSED. She got it into the hands of all the elected officials in the 99 Iowa counties,

And now, she bought copies of REVERSED for the committee men and women from all 50 states, along with another extremely important committee. You can listen to her TV show. Thank you Tamara.
Sunday, July 14

Minnesota House of Representatives Member Walter Hudson. I gave him a copy of my book REVERSED. He said “Wait,” and ran out to his car where he was carrying a copy of WELL VERSED! My dream is to get the book ReVERSED into the hands of tens of thousands of persons to try to help to people think biblically.
Sunday, July 14

With Linda Hansen of Prosperity101. I want you to look at her and her husband. They married. Then… tragically … divorced. Then God worked a miracle …. and they remarried. And are loving God and loving each other! A glorious story of redemption!
Monday, July 15

Senator Charles Grassley. Iowa. Longest serving Republican Senator in DC, elected in 1980. I am clearly underdressed for the situation. And, no, I am not asleep.
Monday, July 15

It was a thrill to attend the convention.
Monday, July 15

Ran into Vivek Ramaswamy.
Monday, July 15

Security is unbelievably high, even in the river-canal with the Coast Guard along with 35,000 police in cars, bicycles, motorcycles and cars.
Monday, July 15

We are now in the forum, ready for day 1 of the event.
Tuesday, July 16

On the second night of the convention, one pastor texted me that “there was more Scripture at the RNC than there were in most churches last Sunday.” (I am not implying the RNC was perfect. It was not. But it had some wonderful moments.)
Tuesday, July 16

We were seated right below the CBS booth, but could see Wolf Blitzer up in the CNN booth.
Tuesday, July 16

El Cajon California Mayor (and our Mayor) Bill Wells, who is also a congressional candidate was there as a delegate. Bill is passionate about the Lord. He is exceptionally smart regarding public policy. To be candid, he could cure homelessness. (Not sure why I am frowning.)
Tuesday, July 16

A sight that will stand for ages.
Wednesday, July 17

Speaker Mike Johnson. He has been a good friend for many years. He has the hardest job in the world. Impossible task.
Wednesday, July 17

Giving ReVERSED to Majority Leader Steve Scalise. As I shared, I so want to get this to all elected officials to draw them into a scriptural understandings of governmental issues.
Wednesday, July 17

Congresswoman Mary Miller (Illinois) was one of the first persons to get my newest 500-page book ReVERSED, and she told me she has already read it! www.Reversed.org
Wednesday, July 17

Giving ReVERSED to Congressman Pete Sessions (Texas). He has a unique story: He was elected. Then he lost. Then he got reelected.
Wednesday, July 17

150,000 (we are told) balloons are ready at the RNC in Milwaukee - for Thursday night - when President Trump finishes is his speech.
Wednesday, July 17

Quite a few of you sent us pictures you took of the TV screen last night. Several of you referred to C-Span. Not until just now did I realize that half the pictures you were sending to us said “CNN.”

I assume that there must have been “house cameras” that provide feed to all networks, and that two networks just happened to take the same feed from the same “house camera” at almost exactly the same time. What are the chances of that?

It was during one of the most tender moments of the RNC… a brokenhearted mother telling of the death of her son. Was so moving.
Wednesday, July 17

Well, here we are on day 3 of 4 days.
Wednesday, July 17

"Under Trump, there were only two genders." - Congressman Matt Gaetz
Wednesday, July 17

“Kamala Harris lacks in character what Joe Biden lacks in body and mind.” - Congressman and Medical Doctor Ronnie Jackson, former White House Physician under Trump and Obama
Wednesday, July 17

My intellectual hero spoke. Newt Gingrich is always the smartest man in the room.

He appointed me as president of “ReAL” (Renewing American Leadership) back in 2012. Working with him was a high honor.
Wednesday, July 17

Peter Navarro had just gotten out of (Biden’s political) prison that very morning! He has lost weight. “If they come after Trump and after me, they WILL come after you! … I went to prison so you won’t have to. I am a ‘wake up’ call.” - Peter Navarro. It was very jolting.
Wednesday, July 17

“When Joe Biden and Kamala Harris refused to come to the border, I took the border to them.” - Texas Governor Greg Abbot
Wednesday, July 17

I had the joy of working a lot with Kellyanne Conway in 2016, when we worked together on Newt Gingrich campaign. She is smart!
Wednesday, July 17

Former CA Congressman Devin Nunes.
Wednesday, July 17

There are two shows on Newsmax on Saturday nights that are quite creative. The hilarious Rob Carson … and “Wise Guys” John Tabacco, pictured here.
Wednesday, July 17

The University of North Carolina college students who refused to allow the flag to be burned.
Wednesday, July 17

Stunning speech. College student. Orthodox Jew. Got a standing ovation when he announced he is suing Harvard University for their rabid antisemitism. Harvard refused to condemn Hamas. Horrific!
Wednesday, July 17

98 year old D-Day / WWII veteran Sergeant William Perkul said (if I heard him right) “If Trump becomes President, I will reenlist.”
Wednesday, July 17

David (America’s historian) and Cheryl Barton, two awesome people.
Wednesday, July 17

I like that this hat keeps the focus on King Jesus.
Wednesday, July 17

Former Pennsylvania Senator and Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum, a good friend, and a man I so respect. He is so honorable.
Thursday, July 18

At a fabulous prayer breakfast organized by Ralph Reed. JD Vance shared his faith journey.
Thursday, July 18

We are all learning about the VP nominee J.D. Vance.
Thursday, July 18

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem spoke at the “God and Country Breakfast,” saying, “Our state did not have a single registered abortion last year.” Way to go South Dakota for saving lives.
Thursday, July 18

View of the arena.
Thursday, July 18

The pastor gave a power declaration of the gospel of Jesus Christ !
Thursday, July 18

Tucker Carlson was exceptional.
Thursday, July 18

Franklin Graham was superb. His presence added so much to the convention.
Thursday, July 18

Another view of the arena.
Thursday, July 18

Ralph Reed, founder of Faith and Freedom, hosted a remarkable "God and Country breakfast" which was spiritually and biblically rich. It felt like a revival.
Thursday, July 18

GOP Chairman Michael Whatley.
A clarification: My hope is not and never has been in a political party, or even a candidate. My hope is in Jesus. I am committed to a distinctly biblical worldview. My goal would be for every political party in every nation to become more distinctly scriptural. That is why I enter the political arena, to bring clear biblical principles of governance, to encourage holiness, righteousness, biblical justice and truth.
Thursday, July 18

Dallas' Prestonwood Baptist Church Pastor Jack Graham has had an enormous impact for Christ.
My closing thought and prayer: “Lord, May our nation turn fully to God. May voters think biblically and take Jesus into the voting booth. Amen.”
Where do you get the news with a distinctive biblical view, followed by serious prayer? Answer: Through World Prayer Network/Well Versed. Join us now tonight to find out what is happening, and how to pray about it.
Consider giving a tax-deductible donation to Well Versed, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, to continue bringing biblical principles of governance to government leaders and YOU!
Dr. Jim Garlow
Well Versed

Rosemary Schindler Garlow
Well Versed

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