A Most Controversial Thanksgiving Dinner: Trump & the Church

While traveling with Rosemary in Amsterdam, Netherlands several years ago, we were taking an Uber while talking about President Trump with my stepson Karl. I was defending certain Trump policies. Karl, although often somewhat neutral on Trump, was taking the opposite position at that moment. We are both natural debaters. (Karl is an articulate, strong, but very respectful debater.) The conversation was growing more intense, and perhaps increasing in volume. Finally, the Uber driver, from Turkey, blurted out loudly, in a thick accent, “Guys! Guys!” (He paused for a moment, as we suddenly grew silent.) “Your relationship is way more important than Trump!”
We were both rather shocked at his outburst. We both burst out laughing, and immediately assured him that he was 100% correct, and we would remember his wise counsel. We have laughed about this so many times since the event. But the Uber driver from Turkey was correct.
I have heard reports of Harris supporters telling their parents that they are refusing to be with them for Thanksgiving because the elders voted for Trump. This is absurd. Someday, the sons and daughters who do that to their parents, will walk by the coffins containing the remains of a mom or dad, and they will so regret such myopic thinking and heartbreak they caused.
Having said that, let me (tongue-in-cheek) suggest an idea for a conversation around the Thanksgiving dinner table. What if you, without warning, blurted out, “President Trump has done so much for the church!” The reactions would be hardy “amens” from some of the 81% of evangelicals who voted for “45” to become “47.” From the Never-Trumpers would come indescribable consternation, suddenly losing their appetites. However, let me explain.
The “Never Trumpers” wring their hands in desperation over his demeanor, mean tweets, and name calling. They contend that many in the church have “sold their soul,” making Trump their “Messiah” or “Savior,” and thus many young people seeing this, are now “turned off” with institutional Christianity. At least that is what they say.
However, the vile and vulgar language that bothers me (and I think bothers God) is the profanity in the church, even by church leadership. That will have to be another article. My thesis is: Trump did not hurt the church. Some of our present-day church “leaders” are hurting the church.
One might think that when I speak about what Trump did for the church, I would focus on his appointments to the Supreme Court, which eventually led to the overturning of the murderous Roe v. Wade ruling, and that is a big one. As “45,” he was the most pro-life president ever. No other president ever attended the massive March for Life. But that is not the biggest thing Trump did for the church.
Or one might think that I would focus on the fact that he put an end to the turning of the White House into rainbow colors as a way of making a pro-Sodomite statement, and that is important. But that is not the most important thing Trump did for the church.
Or one might think I would focus on his support of Israel when he moved the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem or when he recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel, and those are huge. Trump is clearly the most pro-Israel President ever, for which we praise God.
But as big as those things are, that is not what I mean when I say, “what President Trump did for the church.”
Let me ask you to fasten your seatbelt on this one. And I would suggest that you not bring this up at the Thanksgiving Dinner. In fact, this might be the most controversial article I have ever written.
So, here goes. Trump helped to clarify things. He helped “divide the sheep from the goats.” His policies and persona divided strong, bold pastors from weak capitulators. He helped the Winston Churchill types distance themselves from the Neville Chamberlain types.
Now I can hear the shrieks coming from AntiTrumpville. “How dare you say that!” they would exclaim. They continue, “Trump is brash, unprincipled, undisciplined, can’t control what he says, and is given to anger and resentments.”
Admittedly, Trump is…well…he is Trump. That is for sure. But what do we most need right now? Answer: a disruptor. A disruptor is needed when things are going the wrong way. Americans know their nation is headed the wrong way. They elected Trump to disrupt that.
While traveling with Rosemary in Amsterdam, Netherlands several years ago, we were taking an Uber while talking about President Trump with my stepson Karl. I was defending certain Trump policies. Karl, although often somewhat neutral on Trump, was taking the opposite position at that moment. We are both natural debaters. (Karl is an articulate, strong, but very respectful debater.) The conversation was growing more intense, and perhaps increasing in volume. Finally, the Uber driver, from Turkey, blurted out loudly, in a thick accent, “Guys! Guys!” (He paused for a moment, as we suddenly grew silent.) “Your relationship is way more important than Trump!”
We were both rather shocked at his outburst. We both burst out laughing, and immediately assured him that he was 100% correct, and we would remember his wise counsel. We have laughed about this so many times since the event. But the Uber driver from Turkey was correct.
I have heard reports of Harris supporters telling their parents that they are refusing to be with them for Thanksgiving because the elders voted for Trump. This is absurd. Someday, the sons and daughters who do that to their parents, will walk by the coffins containing the remains of a mom or dad, and they will so regret such myopic thinking and heartbreak they caused.
Having said that, let me (tongue-in-cheek) suggest an idea for a conversation around the Thanksgiving dinner table. What if you, without warning, blurted out, “President Trump has done so much for the church!” The reactions would be hardy “amens” from some of the 81% of evangelicals who voted for “45” to become “47.” From the Never-Trumpers would come indescribable consternation, suddenly losing their appetites. However, let me explain.
The “Never Trumpers” wring their hands in desperation over his demeanor, mean tweets, and name calling. They contend that many in the church have “sold their soul,” making Trump their “Messiah” or “Savior,” and thus many young people seeing this, are now “turned off” with institutional Christianity. At least that is what they say.
However, the vile and vulgar language that bothers me (and I think bothers God) is the profanity in the church, even by church leadership. That will have to be another article. My thesis is: Trump did not hurt the church. Some of our present-day church “leaders” are hurting the church.
One might think that when I speak about what Trump did for the church, I would focus on his appointments to the Supreme Court, which eventually led to the overturning of the murderous Roe v. Wade ruling, and that is a big one. As “45,” he was the most pro-life president ever. No other president ever attended the massive March for Life. But that is not the biggest thing Trump did for the church.
Or one might think that I would focus on the fact that he put an end to the turning of the White House into rainbow colors as a way of making a pro-Sodomite statement, and that is important. But that is not the most important thing Trump did for the church.
Or one might think I would focus on his support of Israel when he moved the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem or when he recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel, and those are huge. Trump is clearly the most pro-Israel President ever, for which we praise God.
But as big as those things are, that is not what I mean when I say, “what President Trump did for the church.”
Let me ask you to fasten your seatbelt on this one. And I would suggest that you not bring this up at the Thanksgiving Dinner. In fact, this might be the most controversial article I have ever written.
So, here goes. Trump helped to clarify things. He helped “divide the sheep from the goats.” His policies and persona divided strong, bold pastors from weak capitulators. He helped the Winston Churchill types distance themselves from the Neville Chamberlain types.
Now I can hear the shrieks coming from AntiTrumpville. “How dare you say that!” they would exclaim. They continue, “Trump is brash, unprincipled, undisciplined, can’t control what he says, and is given to anger and resentments.”
Admittedly, Trump is…well…he is Trump. That is for sure. But what do we most need right now? Answer: a disruptor. A disruptor is needed when things are going the wrong way. Americans know their nation is headed the wrong way. They elected Trump to disrupt that.

Trump is…well… a wrecking ball. And that is exactly what is needed. Let me give you an example.
I have been discouraged about our national debt for the last thirty years or so. Obama, while running for office, said that Bush 43’s debt was “immoral.” He was right. But Obama doubled the debt. And each president adds to it.
I have been discouraged about our national debt for the last thirty years or so. Obama, while running for office, said that Bush 43’s debt was “immoral.” He was right. But Obama doubled the debt. And each president adds to it.

In 2012, I was working with Newt Gingrich. He taught me how the national debt could be handled. First, pass a law that the debt could only be a certain percentage of the GDP (gross domestic product). In the lives of individuals, in corporations, and in government, there is a certain percentage of assets over which debt should not rise.
Secondly, he advocated that massive amounts of land that are held by the government west of the Rockies could be sold off to private individuals. His plan was brilliant. The federal government does not need to control but a tiny fraction of the land it currently
The U.S. Federal Government owns 62% of the land in Idaho, 63% of the land in Utah, and a whopping 80% of the land in Nevada, and that does not include land owned by those respective State Governments.
In the state in which I live, California, the Federal Government owns 45 million acres, and the State owns over 100 million acres. That is 45% of the state. Not to be outdone, in Alaska the Federal Government owns almost 223 million acres and the state owns an astounding 365 million acres, or a stunning 61% of the land. (https://ballotpedia.org)
Socialists will say that is good. Citing the biblical case for private property, I say it is a travesty. And back to my original point, much of that land could be sold off for private usage to help with our excessive national debt. At the same time, the land could be put into active productivity in a way that still respects the soil.
I firmly believe that the national debt is much more than a political or governmental issue. It is a biblical-theological-ethical-moral issue. Excessive unrepayable debt is – fasten your seatbelt again – sin.
I tried hard to make the case for this at our denominational General Conference in 2012, attempting to get a resolution passed on the national debt. The General Board dismissed it, saying (as I was told) “That is political.” And when I pressed the matter with the General Superintendent, she said “I will appoint a study committee,” which, as everyone knows, is the proverbial “kiss-of-death” for any forward movement. Did the “study committee” ever form? Of course not. And our debt has tripled since then. The church is totally silent on this. When is the last time you heard a sermon on the immorality of our national debt. One of the “top ten” says, “Thou shalt not steal.” I would add, “from future generations.” Obama was right. It was immoral. And still is.
My point is this: For the first time in my life, I am cautiously optimistic that the horrific national debt could actually be addressed. That would be amazing. Tens of thousands of pet projects must be stopped. Many members of Congress will scream “No!” But those programs must be stopped.
And for the first time in my life, I believe that the exorbitant waste, fraud, and abuse might actually be addressed. Elon and Vivek are the right ones for this. My prayer is that they will reduce the number of federal employees by 80%. Impossible? Maybe. Maybe not.
Secondly, he advocated that massive amounts of land that are held by the government west of the Rockies could be sold off to private individuals. His plan was brilliant. The federal government does not need to control but a tiny fraction of the land it currently
The U.S. Federal Government owns 62% of the land in Idaho, 63% of the land in Utah, and a whopping 80% of the land in Nevada, and that does not include land owned by those respective State Governments.
In the state in which I live, California, the Federal Government owns 45 million acres, and the State owns over 100 million acres. That is 45% of the state. Not to be outdone, in Alaska the Federal Government owns almost 223 million acres and the state owns an astounding 365 million acres, or a stunning 61% of the land. (https://ballotpedia.org)
Socialists will say that is good. Citing the biblical case for private property, I say it is a travesty. And back to my original point, much of that land could be sold off for private usage to help with our excessive national debt. At the same time, the land could be put into active productivity in a way that still respects the soil.
I firmly believe that the national debt is much more than a political or governmental issue. It is a biblical-theological-ethical-moral issue. Excessive unrepayable debt is – fasten your seatbelt again – sin.
I tried hard to make the case for this at our denominational General Conference in 2012, attempting to get a resolution passed on the national debt. The General Board dismissed it, saying (as I was told) “That is political.” And when I pressed the matter with the General Superintendent, she said “I will appoint a study committee,” which, as everyone knows, is the proverbial “kiss-of-death” for any forward movement. Did the “study committee” ever form? Of course not. And our debt has tripled since then. The church is totally silent on this. When is the last time you heard a sermon on the immorality of our national debt. One of the “top ten” says, “Thou shalt not steal.” I would add, “from future generations.” Obama was right. It was immoral. And still is.
My point is this: For the first time in my life, I am cautiously optimistic that the horrific national debt could actually be addressed. That would be amazing. Tens of thousands of pet projects must be stopped. Many members of Congress will scream “No!” But those programs must be stopped.
And for the first time in my life, I believe that the exorbitant waste, fraud, and abuse might actually be addressed. Elon and Vivek are the right ones for this. My prayer is that they will reduce the number of federal employees by 80%. Impossible? Maybe. Maybe not.

Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy
I remember as a child when there was a satirical bill put before Congress that the Department of Agriculture could not have more employees than there are farmers. The bill was never passed.
I never thought I would have the joy of seeing the “sin” of the oppressive bureaucracy torn down. I so pray that Elon and Vivek can stop – or rather dismantle – the excessive “Tower of Babel” that controls every move we make.
But back to my thesis that Trump did something profound for the church. He “separated the wheat from the chaff.” He exposed those who will not stand. They will claim that they take their positions so that they “can reach the lost.” Regretfully, that is often an excuse to not have to take a position. Trump separated those who will stand boldly from those who won’t.
Some say they are pro-life, but they won’t lift a finger to help the babies who are perishing in the wombs across America.
Some say they support biblical marriage, but won’t say a word against Sodomite (so-called) “marriage.”
Some say they believe people are created male and female, but they are wimps when it comes to calling out the sin of cutting off children’s privates and calling them by the opposite gender.
Some saw the fraudulent claims surrounding Covid-19, but dared not challenge the authoritarian totalitarianism of the “Fauci forces.”
Some say they support Israel, but won’t even mention the horrors that the Palestinian Hamas terrorists or the Islamic Hezbollah killers have done and are doing to innocent Jews.
Trump’s great gift was that he brought a good and healthy “division.” The issue is not Trump. Not at all. This has little to do with him. But it is about what he caused. He divided the “churchy ones” from the true ecclesia. That is good.
So Trump has given us a real gift. We know who each other really is. We know who will stand. We know who will fold. That will help us know who we can trust in the future. Trump unknowingly gave the church a wonderful gift. He put a “courage x-ray” machine on us, which revealed what was on the inside.
But now back to Thanksgiving dinner. Enjoy being together. Thanksgiving may not be the time to talk about any of this. Just be together.
I never thought I would have the joy of seeing the “sin” of the oppressive bureaucracy torn down. I so pray that Elon and Vivek can stop – or rather dismantle – the excessive “Tower of Babel” that controls every move we make.
But back to my thesis that Trump did something profound for the church. He “separated the wheat from the chaff.” He exposed those who will not stand. They will claim that they take their positions so that they “can reach the lost.” Regretfully, that is often an excuse to not have to take a position. Trump separated those who will stand boldly from those who won’t.
Some say they are pro-life, but they won’t lift a finger to help the babies who are perishing in the wombs across America.
Some say they support biblical marriage, but won’t say a word against Sodomite (so-called) “marriage.”
Some say they believe people are created male and female, but they are wimps when it comes to calling out the sin of cutting off children’s privates and calling them by the opposite gender.
Some saw the fraudulent claims surrounding Covid-19, but dared not challenge the authoritarian totalitarianism of the “Fauci forces.”
Some say they support Israel, but won’t even mention the horrors that the Palestinian Hamas terrorists or the Islamic Hezbollah killers have done and are doing to innocent Jews.
Trump’s great gift was that he brought a good and healthy “division.” The issue is not Trump. Not at all. This has little to do with him. But it is about what he caused. He divided the “churchy ones” from the true ecclesia. That is good.
So Trump has given us a real gift. We know who each other really is. We know who will stand. We know who will fold. That will help us know who we can trust in the future. Trump unknowingly gave the church a wonderful gift. He put a “courage x-ray” machine on us, which revealed what was on the inside.
But now back to Thanksgiving dinner. Enjoy being together. Thanksgiving may not be the time to talk about any of this. Just be together.

I am blessed to be in family gatherings – on both Rosemary’s side and on my side – where we are not politically divided. Thus, our gatherings have no political strife.

But if your family is governmentally or theologically divided, Thanksgiving might not be the time to discuss the issues. If a know-it-all brother, or a radically feminist sister starts trashing Trump and accolading Harris, just smile, stay silent, and remember that one candidate got 312 electoral votes and the other one got 226. One candidate got 3 million more votes than the other one. One candidate brought the House and the Senate along with him. The other did not. One candidate has appointed an army of disruptors to try to put the nation back in order.

As you contemplate all of that, say nothing, smile nicely, be courteous, and ask for them to pass you some more mashed potatoes and gravy.
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Dr. Jim Garlow
Well Versed
Rosemary Schindler Garlow
Well Versed
Dr. Jim Garlow
Well Versed
Rosemary Schindler Garlow
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