Look What Opportunities Have Come To Well Versed Recently

Well Versed & World Prayer Network Family / Friends,

I want to thank each and every one of you who have been a part of the Well Versed and World Prayer Network families. Your time, talents, gifts and prayers are never taken lightly; they touch our hearts each and every day. Without you, we could not accomplish the vision God has laid on our hearts.

You have made an incredible impact in a very disconcerting year. You accomplished:
1. Another year of broadcasts of the World Prayer Network – twice a week (after thinking we would only do one)
2. The creation of a new webpage with new technology; this took months
3. The Future Conference – in July – Washington, DC
4. Took groups to Turkey (Seven Churches of Revelation) and Greece (Travels of Paul) and Israel
5. The European trip to Brussels to the European Prayer Breakfast – to name a few.

We have great opportunities in the coming year:
1. Upcoming "National Gathering for Prayer & Repentance" in Washington DC, on Wednesday, February 1. If you would like to be a sponsor for $3,000 let us know!
2. A trip to Liberty University in February for the purpose of working with a team to release three new books: (1) Well Versed, Part 2; (2) a children’s version of Well Versed; (3) a youth version of Well Versed – cost of trip: $2,000.
3. A trip to Panama in February, led by Mario Bramnick, to meet with top level governmental leaders (at this point we are told that we will possibly meet with the President), faith leaders and Jewish leaders – $4,000.

5. Translating WELL VERSED into Albanian (the 5th language) - $7,300. (There is quite a story behind this. Will share more later)
6. Possible trip to Albania in March when Well Versed comes out in Albanian, and possible trip to neighboring Macedonia, as I received a type of “Macedonian Call” while I was in Europe recently - $ 6,000.
7. Trip to Israel – 75th Diamond Anniversary Covenant Land Bible Pilgrimage – May 6-19
8. Trip to Israel – Covenant Land & Sea Bible Pilgrimage to Israel and Petra – October 14-27
9. A newer vehicle for the ministry (ours may have just lost the transmission and is beyond repair).
10. Continuing the twice a week World Prayer Network informative new and prayer broadcast.

My inquiry to our Well Versed and World Prayer Network family: Which of these projects would you like to sow into? Which need has the Holy Spirit laid upon your heart as you read through this list? There are more projects in the works that will also need funding. The Gospel moves on prayer and finances. He has placed each of these in your hands.

Our biggest need is to grow the base of those who would give on a monthly basis. These sustaining gifts allow us to plan, budget, and GO to fulfill the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you would say, "Dr. Jim, I am behind you with a monthly commitment of at least $100 a month," may I personally sign and send you a copy of Well Versed? It is my way of saying “Thank You.”

You may give in a number of ways:
1. Regular, intentional monthly support. This would allow us to budget items and prepare for needs that regularly occur. This giving can be done on our website.
2. A one-time gift. This can also be facilitated directly on our website.
3. A gift of appreciated stock from your brokerage account.
  • You avoid capital gains if you were to liquidate and send the proceeds.
  • You receive a tax receipt based on the average share price on the date we receive the donation.
4. You may make a cash donation directly from your IRA or 401(k) account to meet your required minimum distribution (RMD). You contact your plan holder and instruct them to send a check directly from the retirement account to us.

Well Versed World
2514 Jamacha Rd., Suite 502-120El Cajon, CA 92019

Would you prayerfully consider how this opportunity to give applies to you?

Would you consider a gift of cash (one-time or recurring), appreciated stock, or a qualified charitable donation from your retirement funds?

Well Versed World, our team, and I do not offer tax or investment advice. Please consult with your tax attorney, CPA, or financial professional to see how you may benefit from these provisions.

We never take it lightly or take it for granted when you sow into this ministry. The words THANK YOU seem so inadequate. As I stated last year:

It is my prayer that Well Versed World and the World Prayer Network have been a blessing to you in these tumultuous times. It is our endeavor to be Bringing Biblical Principles of Governance to Government Leaders … and the People Who Elect Them. The world is in crisis. Human institutions are failing. Everyone knows it.

Human suffering, pain and poverty will only be reduced once nations follow the biblical principles of governance. Only eternal and transcendent truths will produce peace and prosperity on nations. We desire to give you the tools needed to affect change and pray effectively in these times. We desire to impact personal life, family issues, and church life.

Together with your help, people can become well versed. We help government leaders become well versed, knowing what the Bible says about every political or governmental topic. We look forward to walking this journey together with you.

We pray you had a great Hanukkah and a blessed Merry Christmas. It is our prayer for you that God would prosper you and enlarge your tent to usher in His glorious return. Each one of us has a part to play in that ensemble.

With love, joy, and peace, THANK YOU!
Dr. Jim Garlow
Well Versed

Rosemary Schindler Garlow
Well Versed


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